It's my birthday, yay! =)
Another year, another birthday.. We simply cannot escape from dat.. As much as I enjoy birthdays, I wonder what will happen to me afta I finish my studies.. I dunno what to expect.. I mean.. is it gonna be good or the other way around? All I noe is that I'll start teaching next year.. Wooo scary! I dun even noe where I'll be posted! Double scary. I juz hope it's gonna be sumwhere in Semenanjung.. No offense Sabah and Sarawak peep, it's juz that I wanna stay closer to home.. and him, dis time around..
And yeah, by turning 23 tis year.. I hope I can succeed in whatever am doin and get everything dat I've wished for.. But for now, I can't stop thinking more and more about my birthday cake hehehe..
Happy birthday, me! You're simply the best! *winksss*