my ride
At first I decided to buy a car a bit later, maybe in June or July. But due to some circumstances, I could not help buying it like 2 months earlier than I planned.
It's a green Myvi and I'm simply loving it. My very own car! My very first big property! It's very convenient to have your own car. I easily move 'round. It doesn't matter even if I have to stay at school after school hours coz I no longer have to worry about not getting a taxi to go home or whatnot. The plate number is also nice - SS1900L (yay, finally i have a Sabah's plate no! hihihihi)
"Hi Lo, what are the colours available for the time being if I want it asap?"
"Green, white bla bla bla"
"How long does it take to process?"
"Since it's available in stock so you can actually get it within 2 weeks' time"
"Great, book me a green one then!"
How easy-peasy.. I booked it last week and within less than 2 weeks, I got hold of my baby V already! Mine, all mine!! ;)
I heard that the interest rate for cars will increase soon.. lucky me I got mine before that.. And one more thing, with the rumours of there will be an increment of the oil price soon, there'll be no more unnecessary rides around town or whatnot.. but let's enjoy while we still can! i mean.. its not like we can escape from buying petrol no matter what the price is, aite? hohoho (am surprised dat am so positive about dis, dun ask me, i simply haf no bloody idea why)