Go figure!

This is a list of my must-have items whenever I'm marking the exam papers! =)

1. Many cups of coffee and water.
They aid my brain to function better.
(whoaa.. it rhymes! lol)

2. A bunch of red pens.
Well, you will never know when one is gonna run out of ink, right?

3. Snacks, and plenty of them.
I enjoy munching on them when I'm doing the thinking.
It's actually unhealthy. But I dunno why I still eat the damn thing.

4. One of the most essential items ever - iPod!
Music helps me to stay focused and at the same time avoids my brain from being overworked.

5. Aspirins.
I tend to get headaches after marking a whole stack of exam scripts. No kidding!
(so, it's always good to be prepared :p)

6. Lipbalm.
Too much thinking could even make your lips go dry too! lol


Haru Javier said…
this is how u mark my test papers?? O_O
wow....i should give u lipbalm as a present next time ^^


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