My New Do

It has been a while since I last did something with my hair, so I've decided that this might be the right time to do so - and I just did! I'm not that fussy when it comes to hair since I'm wearing the tudung but of course I still want it to be healthy and well-maintained. After all, I do suffer from hair loss and dandruff in which a normal shampoo-and-conditioner routine will not be sufficient. My request was simple: get a layer cut and a side fringe, and get it straightened. I kinda like the outcome so it was a wise move since my hair, wavy as it is, is also dry, frizzy and unruly. The products that they recommended work well with my hair and scalp so I might as well keep on using them though I have to spend more than what I used to spend on hair products :P

The result? Very Anne Hathaway-ish and Brenda Song-ish like the pics above and I simply adore it!


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