Someday We'll Know

Every time I see you, it's all coming back to me.. What you did.. what you said.. I will never ever forgive you.. Well, maybe I can forgive, but never forget.

I just don't like the way you treat me. You thought you can bully me, manipulate me, use me. But I prove you wrong. I'm not someone you can bark around and order to do things. I'm not someone you can look down upon just because you claim to be 'more' than I do in every way. If you want to win, I can let you. But winning that way doesn't look or sound right You just can't accept people pointing out your mistake. You want people to bow down to your opinions.. who the hell are you??! Well let me tell you there are people who are much much better than you out there, so just please stop being a snob!

Let me remind you, you don't have to use your sarcasm to degrade me coz I simply don't care. I'm not even that someone you trust or consider as a friend, just because you know you don't have to tell me anything. For you, you can lie to me and still feel nothing about it. If that's the case, why should I stick with you? From the moment you said those words, I know that you are one selfish creature who doesn't care about other people but yourself. It's no surprise that people are avoiding you bit by bit. They now see who is the REAL you. I'm not saying that I'm the best BFF everyone would ever want, but lemme assure you that I treat my REAL friends well, so I guess you don't deserve me at all coz every time I'm with you I feel like shit.

You can plant lies in other people's minds about me, you can place a red tape over their mouths to keep the truth confined, you can even pretend to be the victim.. but I've had enough of you. I can only believe and hope that they will see the truth around someday. Someday, yeah.


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