Make-up Talk

It's amazing what make-up can do!

I thought it would be interesting to see what make-up everyone uses and we may all discover something new worth trying :) First and foremost, what is your daily make-up regime? And how long does it take? 

Actually I'm not into major make-up during daytime as I'm always in a rush to work due to my love of a warm bed and sleep. Consequently, I end up doing it in about 5 minutes or so, give or take how awake I am! Ha-ha. I usually start off with moisturiser (Ettusais White Shooter) and sunscreen (L'oreal UV Perfect XL Block - Anti Dullness, SPF 50 kau.. kalau tak cukup gak taktau ler), followed by patting my Revlon 2-Way Whitening Foundation (#06 Natural Beige) very lightly all over the face. Then, I use light or medium in color eye shadows (usually Z.A. or Revlon products), dab my cheek with pale red blush (Body Shop Cheek Colour #05 Tea Rose) and a little gloss on my lips (Dior Addict Ultra Gloss #686 Outrageous Fuchsia). 

If I have time, I'll top my lashes with a black mascara (Elizabeth Arden Double Density or Revlon 3D Extreme Mascara), apply lighter shades of eyeliner (The Face Shop Extreme Brush Pen Eyeliner or Maybelline Unstoppable Eyeliner, ni senang tanggal so sesuai tatkala mahu solat)  or a nice neutral shade of lipstick on my lips (Dior Addict High Shine #554 Backstage Pink, this is my second tube.. sangat gorgeoussss, or Body Shop Delipscious Sheer Lip Colour #07 Raspberry) for a more natural look. Otherwise, I'm likely to overdo it. I realise I do put a lot of gunge on my face, but I think the key to make-up is not how much you put but the effect you achieve. All in all, if all that gunge doesn't make you look fake then it should be fine rightttt! :) Tapi, kadang-kadang kalau dah malas sangat, a little powder and gloss should suffice!

Also, is your night make-up different from your daytime make-up? It should be that way coz when applying make-up in the day you'll want your face to look as natural as possible. You can save the slightly heavier and more dramatic make-up for night-time for that glamourous look. Wearing night-time make-up in the day or daytime make-up at night is like, a big no-no! As for me, I don't add anymore colours for the evening look. I basically make the colours more intense. I also smear some liquid foundation (Revlon Colorstay Makeup #310 Warm Golden) all over the face, curl my lashes and add dark or thick eyeliner (Kate Eyeliner Pencil or Revlon Colorstay Eyeliner, the latter is my fav sebab tak smudgy dan sangat tahan lama, like the name suggests - Colorstay) on top lid to give the eyes a more expressive and bold look. Anyway, go wild with your make up and don't be afraid to try something new!

Many women tend to overlook this important fact, but, remember to choose your make-up carefully as it directly touches the skin! Jangan hentam kromo ja, nanti tak pepasal complain their make-up is clumpy, runny, doesn't look right or causes allergy dan macam-macam lagi lah!  Choose it according to your needs and do consider your skin type, skintone, age, the quality of the makeup, its cost and ingredients used. Branded make-ups pun tak semestinya bagus kan.. campur-campur brand pun takpe asalkan sesuai. After all, the right kind of make-up applied in the right way should bring out the best in you (especially those who have to deal with a lot of people everyday like me)!!

From zero to hero.. ewahhhh! 
(btw, make-up kawen memang xleh lawan la!)

What say you? 

p/s: So guysss, if you want us to look great, be prepared to sponsor/invest in our make-ups, okie! Standard lah kalau women ni high maintenance! ^^


MrPayid said…
jgn tobal2 sis... lg xcun jdnya
Aida Ikmal said…
that is why i said "it's not how much you put but the effect you achieve" :)

yang penting solekan simple dan x over but still tampak menarik, tertarik dan da bomb! ;)
isabelle said…
lawanya masa kawin tuuuu...

i masa rajin, mmg melawa sakan. tapi kalo masa malas tahap dewa...ish..toksah tegur la.. mmg mcm ngan hapa jer.

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