Station Games

I went to a course on teaching literature the other day and I found one of the activities to be really interesting and stimulating. When it comes to teaching poems or short stories, you can organize station games with your students to engage them in whichever literature component you're focusing on, provided that the class will be in control at all times. Trust me, it can be really chaotic. 

There are at least five activities you can carry out at your station games:
  1. True-False statements - list down about 10 - 12 statements and let the students decide whether it's right or wrong!

  2. Sequence arrangement - this activity requires the students to fully comprehend the literature component and have good memorisation technique!

  3. Matching words with its meanings - if the students can't match it, they don't understand the component at all.

  4. Quiz - I like to do this with my students - everyone would be, like, eager to answer as many questions as possible within the limited time frame!

  5. Spelling - get the students to spell every word right!
Let's say you're doing the poem "The River'' or "Mr Nobody" - get all the materials ready beforehand. Place them in an envelope. Next, divide your students into groups of 4 or 5. There will be a facilitator at each station and each group has to complete all the tasks at each station within the time limit. They will only move to the next station (clockwise/anti-clockwise, you decide) when they're instructed to. The group which manages to get the highest points collectively will be named the winner!


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