Kad Raya
This is the one and only kad raya I got this year and it was from a student of mine. Frankly speaking, I haven't received any in many many years (in fact, I didn't send any in many many years too!), so I was truly flattered when he handed this to me a few days before the hols. Budak Chindian lak tu! Bukanlah nak kata apa kan.. tapi budak Melayu ada la 2 orang kot yang salam minta maaf and wished me Selamat Hari Raya. Yang lain, yillek. Kad raya apatah lagi. And it's not like I expect any.. just wondering, where have all the courtesy and respect gone??
p/s: Back then when I was young, we were made to salam all the teachers on the last day of school before raya.
p/p/s: Sekarang ni budaya ucapan raya melalui sms, e-mail, Twitter or Facebook je. Tu pun liat bebenor orang nak buat.